%global realname kvc %global upstream etrepum # Technically, we're noarch; but erlang whose directories we install into is not. %global debug_package %{nil} Name: erlang-%{realname} Version: 1.7.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Key Value Coding for Erlang data structures Group: Development/Languages License: MIT URL: https://github.com/%{upstream}/%{realname} %if 0%{?el7}%{?fedora} VCS: scm:git:https://github.com/%{upstream}/%{realname}.git %endif Source0: https://github.com/%{upstream}/%{realname}/archive/v%{version}/%{realname}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: erlang-rebar %description kvc supports Key Value Coding-like queries on common Erlang data structures. A common use case for kvc is to quickly access one or more deep values in decoded JSON, or some other nested data structure. It can also help with some aggregate operations. It solves similar problems that you might want to use a tool like XPath or jQuery for, but it is far simpler and strictly less powerful. It's inspired by Apple's NSKeyValueCoding protocol from Objective-C. %prep %setup -q -n %{realname}-%{version} %build %{erlang_compile} %install %{erlang_install} %check %{erlang_test} %files %license LICENSE %doc CHANGES.md README.md %{erlang_appdir}/ %changelog * Wed Mar 16 2016 Peter Lemenkov - 1.7.0-1 - Ver. 1.7.0